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Beginners - A1
Enrolment is possible throughout the year. If you are a complete
beginner, please email us at
The fee applies to the remaining sessions of the term.
Textbook (not required): Aula Internacional Plus 1 [2020
edition; ISBN 978-84-18224-15-7]
Pace: Weekly 1h
Elementary - A2
Enrolment is possible throughout the year.
The fee applies to the remaining sessions of the term.
Textbook (not required): Aula Internacional Plus 2 [2020 edition; ISBN 978-84-18032-202]
Pace: Weekly 1h
Intermediate - B1
This course is for students who have completed the Spanish Elementary Course or an equivalent course in Spanish.
During this course, you will develop your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, and learn things such as talking about the past,
making comparisons, using direct and indirect pronouns...
Enrolment is possible throughout the year.
The fee applies to the remaining sessions of the term.
Textbook (not required): Aula Internacional Plus 3 [2021 edition; ISBN 978-8418032226]
Pace: Weekly 1h
Upper Intermediate/Advanced - B2/C1
This course is for students who have completed the Spanish Intermediate Course or an equivalent course in Spanish.
During this course, you will develop your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
Enrolment is possible throughout the year.
The fee applies to the remaining sessions of the term.
Pace: Weekly 1h